Tomorrow's Leaders - Tulkarem Visit

EcoPeace’s “Tomorrow’s Leaders: Driving the Political Discussion on the Environment” project, in Palestine, aims at engaging political parties and candidates, early on, to develop an understanding of environmental and climate security issues. To date, a series of meetings have been conducted with electoral lists and EcoPeace has been successful in getting issues of Water, Energy, Food security and Climate change on candidates’ agendas. Also, invitations to participate in EcoPeace workshops and tours on these topics have been welcomed. The project also aims to train a group of youth political activists. Most recently, a workshop was held on June 28 which reflected on the environmental reality in Palestine and included a panel discussion on the absence of legislation and its effects on the water and environmental sectors. The workshop continued the next day with a tour near “Wadi Alzumar”, in Tulkarem, to highlight the cross-border wastewater issues and potential solutions demonstrated by effective community projects and political action. The Tomorrow's Leaders project is funded by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung in the Palestinian Territories.